Our Events

Family Night 3-6PM ~ August 22nd at 1HOPE Community Center


Our family nights are held once a month, and this is a time where our foster families can come pick up their diapers and other blessings that are donated to us through Amazon and the community. It is a fun-filled night for our families to come together, connect with one another, and grow in fellowship!

Contact: Kelsey Littel to volunteer


Kingfish 50/50 Raffle Night ~ Wednesday, July 31st at Kingfish Stadium


Come join us and support 1HOPE as we do a 50/50 raffle at a Kingfish game! We will have an info table behind home plate to share with the community who we are and what our mission is. We hope to see you there!

Pickleball Tournament ~ Saturday, September 14th at Pennoyer Park


Join us for our 2nd annual 1HOPE Pickleball Tournament Fundraiser this fall! This is a fun yet competitive event for players at all levels, from beginners to advanced pickleballers. We will have food trucks, raffles, kid’s games, and more! Keep a look out for registration links coming soon.

Interested in some friendly pickleball for a good cause?

Contact Us

We want to hear from you! Let us know how we can help.

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