Restoring Hope. Transforming Lives.

Are you a Foster Family in search of support?

The mission of 1HOPE’s Foster Family Support Network (FFSN) is to ensure that every foster family is receiving enough support, love, and encouragement throughout their foster care journey. Our heart is for not only for foster children but for the entire family. Through our FFSN, we help foster families meet their day-to-day needs as they open their hearts and homes to some of the most vulnerable children in our city. Support from our network helps reduce the stress foster families face while providing a better experience and outcome for the foster child placed in their care. These positive experiences not only increase the number of foster homes the re-license but also increase the number of new homes licensed. New families are aware that if they become a foster home in Kenosha County, the FFSN will be there to support them.

Not every family is called to foster, but everyone can help a family in some way.

Karisa Wenberg – Executive Director of 1HOPE

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